Sed Contra: A Podcast of Catholic Theology

Aliens and Soteriology

Episode Summary

In this episode of Sed Contra, SDP members Dr. John Brungardt, Dr. Kevin Clarke, and Dr. Taylor Patrick O'Neill are joined by guest Rev. Dr. Andrew Davison to discuss aliens and soteriology. Rev. Dr. Davison is the Starbridge Professor of Theology and Natural Sciences in the Faculty of Divinity at the University of Cambridge, and Fellow in Theology and Dean of Chapel at Corpus Christi and soon to be Canon and Regius Professor of Divinity at Christ Church Oxford (appointed June 2024 by His Majesty King Charles III). He recently authored Astrobiology and Christian Doctrine: Exploring the Implications of Life in the Universe (Cambridge University Press, 2023).

Episode Notes

Rev. Dr. Davison's recent book:

Link to Rev. Dr. Davison's chart from his book:


Poem reference:\_(Meynell,\_1921)/Christ\_in\_the\_Universe